Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Global Citizen

A global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices.

A cos­mopoli­tan is in search for unity in diver­sity, what bonds us together cul­tur­ally and reli­giously. Only when we rec­og­nize who we are, what val­ues ​​we have inher­ited and the diver­sity within our own com­mu­nity, we can enter into dia­logue with oth­ers. A global cit­i­zen is con­vinced that every­one is part of the same world. He pays atten­tion to and has knowl­edge of the national and inter­na­tional con­text in which events occur. He has the abil­ity to see his life from a broader per­spec­tive and under­stand­ing. A cos­mopoli­tan cher­ishes diver­sity and demon­strates real com­mit­ment and sol­i­dar­ity towards other peo­ple. He knows that his behav­ior may have an impact on the envi­ron­ment, the ani­mals and the peo­ple on earth. Global cit­i­zens real­ize that they are respon­si­ble for the future of every­one and they can solve com­mon prob­lems together. A cos­mopoli­tan strives for world democ­racy. Par­tic­i­pa­tion at local and global lev­els and by join­ing all forces and con­cerns from below, he can orga­nize and improve the world.

The advantages of being Global citizen:
-Sharing creations,
-Make new friends,
-Sell and buys stuffs, and many more.

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